Saturday, 21 November 2015

Water - The Source of Life

There is huge hype around Reverse Osmosis and Ozonated Water at the moment.  Water tanks are popping up in supermarkets all around our country and people are filling plastic (sometimes not BPA free either!) containers and paying outrageous prices for water which is only good to use in your car battery or steam iron. 
When tap water goes through the reverse osmosis process, EVERYTHING, including all the good minerals and trace elements are removed.  This leaves dead water - like we said, good enough only to put in your car battery.  Reverse osmosis water serves no beneficial use to the human body.  Our bodies cannot survive without water, and especially not dead battery water.  We need the minerals and trace elements that water collects as it filters through the earths natural rock to keep our bodies healthy.
Ozonated water, on the other hand, is only good if one drinks it AS SOON as it has been ozonated.  Ozone's half life in water is less than 30 minutes.  Ozonated water has amazing healing properties for the sick and infirm, but we would suggest you purchase a small handheld ozonater for this purpose - ask us for a quote as we supply them to our patients.
So, when companies purport to bring you health in a bottle with reverse osmosis and ozonated water, their marketing team are, in our opinion, doing a good job on fooling you.

Drinking filtered, or prepared water, is far better than buying reverse osmosis water and some of the bigger bottling companies are already supplying that into the market, but again, there are drawbacks.  Many of these companies add in minerals, flouride and other items, so be sure to check the labels on the bottle before drinking.
We have researched the water industry quite thoroughly, especially as South African tap water (which is supposed to be good) was a huge concern to us in our practice.  We did not want to give our patients high particles of fluoride, uranium, effluent and toxic medical residues which are found floating in our municipal water.  If you haven't seen it yet, take a look at Carte Blanche's report on the state of our water.
We only use reverse osmosis water for the sauna elements in our Pods as we cannot have Ozone mixing with the abovementioned toxins while we are healing you.  BUT, when we give you that glass of water to drink after your session, we're giving you SOUL WATER - THE SOURCE OF LIFE.

We bring our bottled water in from a natural spring, deep in the Magaliesburg Mountains of South Africa. Here the water is filtered naturally as it sinks to the underground spring, leaving it with just the right amount of minerals and trace elements your body requires.  The spring has been tested and accredited by SANBWA and has enjoyed supplying many restaurants, hotels and even a cruise-liner with all their drinking water.
Not only do we sell various sizes of bottles (in BPA-free bottles), but we have opened a refilling station next to The Pod at The Leaping Frog Shopping Centre, where you can either bring your own containers for filling, or we will deliver to you (the greater Fourways area).
We can also assist you with choosing a water station suitable for your home needs.
Contact us on 0114654514.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Do you have an Autoimmune Disease (and how can you heal it?)

Automimmune Disease, Ozone, Enriched Oxygen, The Ozone Pod, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis
We have had many patients with Autoimmune Diseases doing ozone hyperthermia therapy with us over the past month, so much so, that we thought to write about the effects of the treatment on their diseases.

What is an Autoimmune Disease?

Plainly speaking, an autoimmune disease is an immune response cause by systemic inflammation leading your body to attack itself.

While there are many different autoimmune diseases, they are, at their core, all similar in that they attack your own body.  Your immune system keeps you safe in that it can identify any foreign substances which enter your body.  If it deems anything to be of danger to your body, it will produce antibodies to attack these substances.

Unfortunately, those with an autoimmune disease have an immune system which cannot differentiate between an intruder (such as toxins, pathogens, infections) and one's own body, so it mistakes certain of your own cells as harmful substances and in turn these antibodies turn on your own system.

What Causes an Autoimmune Disease?

One certainty is that there is an underlying genetic component to someone developing an autoimmune disease.  Whether or not these genes are turned on is caused by many factors, such as heavy metal toxins, infections, herpes simplex, chronic inflammation and food sensitivities amongst others.

There is a significant link between gluten intolerance and an autoimmune disease which is why diet plays such an important part in managing your disease.

There are many different autoimmune diseases, some are :
- lupus
- rheumatoid arthritis
- type I diabetes
- psoriasis
- multiple sclerosis
- thyroid disease

What Symptoms Should You Look Out For?

Some symptoms of an autoimmune disease are :
- joint pain
- weaknesses in the muscles
- tremors
- dry eyes
- dry mouth
- rapid heartbeat
- unexplained weightloss
- abdominal pain
- hair loss
- fatigue
- multiple miscarriages
- numbness or tingling in hands and feet

How to Treat an Autoimmune Disease?

Firstly, diagnoses MUST be made by a medical doctor and their treatment protocol must be followed at all times.

At The Pod we use various methods of ozone therapy to assist patients with an Autoimmune Disease dependent on the condition being treated.  We never advise patients to 'come off' their medication.

Our Medical Doctor performs Minor Autohemotherapy (bookings essential) and our Ozone Practitioners perform Hyperthermia Therapy and Bagging.

One of our patients, Calvin*, has spent the last 9 years battling pain.  He was diagnosed with lupus.  After seeing many doctors and being treated with antibiotics, pain killers and other medicines, Calvin resorted to alternative therapies in the hopes of ridding his body of the toxins which were slowly killing him.  He arrived at The Pod and, after 10 sessions of hyperthermia therapy, he reported to us that he has been pain-free for the first time in 9 years.

Ozone Therapy, while still in its infancy in South Africa, has been used to treat patients with autoimmune diseases in Europe and the USA for many years.  There have been many reports of successful management of these patients' conditions and as we are slowly proving, as so in South Africa now.

For more information, call (011) 4654514 or email

*not his real name