Tuesday 26 July 2016

Identify your Hidden Imbalances

Do you really KNOW why you’re always tired, hungry, bloated, sneezing, etc?

FACT : Our bodies CANNOT sustain healthy cells with an unnatural diet and lifestyle.

FACT : We see visual PROOF of this during a live blood analysis screening test.

We care about your health.  You know that.  That’s why we offered OZONE THERAPY to you in the first place – one of the most natural ways to give your body a fighting chance.  In fact, our bodies constantly strive to heal themselves.  Because that is exactly what we are meant to do.  Heal ourselves.  Naturally.

All too often we see patients who turn to pills from the over-the-counter section of their local pharmacy to heal anything from a slight cold to IBS to more serious infections.  Or they fill up on antibiotics from their local GP because that’s what they think the solution is to their specific problem.  They’re looking for quick fixes.

But sometimes, all it takes is a slight shift of focus in their lifestyles.  Like a small change in diet and the correct supplementation…


“But I buy THE BEST!”  they exclaim.  They probably are the best supplements, but what the patient is taking is not necessarily what their body requires.  Oftentimes all the money they’re spending on their supplements and vitamins are ending up being flushed down the loo.

At The Pod we want to make sure that your body runs at optimal levels, and that is why, along with Ozone Therapy, we have implemented and been trained on screening your blood through Live Blood Analysis – with you watching what we do!

Analysis of live, unmodified capillary blood has been around for many years, pioneered by independent researchers, mostly focusing only on the nutritional aspects of blood morphologies.  Others, however, approached it from different angles, but one thing was proven by all – that the human body cannot live with an unnatural diet and lifestyle.


By analysing your live blood under a microscope – and projecting it in real time onto a screen for you to follow, we can determine a number of imbalances and health concerns.  This test will show how your lifestyle impacts on your health, thus allowing you to make necessary changes.

From this, we will be able to assist you with the correct homeopathic remedies, dietary changes, supplements and vitamin interventions which would be appropriate for adjusting your lifestyle towards optImizing your health and preventing the onset of disease.  Furthermore, the effectiveness of various treatment combinations can be tested and progress can be monitored as the insights we gain from the analysis and other clinical data will help us to understand your individual state of health on a much deeper level.

And you don’t have to experience your blood being drawn from a vein,  then sent off to a laboratory where it spends hours in a test-tube filled with anti-coagulants waiting in line to be tested – at a very high cost to both you and your medical aid.  By the time it is tested, the blood has been stained and is essentially dead whereas in Live Blood Analysis, we use whole, unaltered blood which is viewed within seconds of a small finger prick under high magnification.  This allows us to assess the condition of your blood cells, plasma, and also check for microbial activity and anomalies that are not typically ordered by your local GP when doing conventional blood tests.

So Live Blood Analysis should become an essential part of a preventative approach to your personal healthcare.


In conjunction with live blood analysis we also do a layered dried blood analysis (or, The Oxidative Stress Test) - at the same appointment.  This test uncovers many valuable clues as to which parts of the body are holding toxins and therefore at risk of degenerative disease.  Along with the Live Blood Analysis findings, we can piece together the areas in the body that are under stress and require attention.  Again, we will suggest the correct changes to your lifestyle to assist you enjoying better health.


This is a very important question!  Remember, this test is not a diagnostic procedure and if we see anything remotely disturbing, we will refer you to your doctor for other tests.  We do not diagnose conditions or diseases.

The test lasts approximately an hour.  Call to make your appointment now – 0114654514.

Please note that this test is not a diagnostic procedure for any specific disease.  It is a tool meant to demonstrate how dietary and lifestyle habits may be influencing your personal health.

Friday 8 July 2016

Minor Autohemotherapy can be a life saver

There is (always) huge hype around adjunct, alternate or complementary therapies – especially when they work!  

One can trawl the internet and find many testimonials from people who have been cured of diseases from diabetes to cancer through anything from eating papaya pips to drinking hydrogen peroxide.

At The Ozone Pod, we have seen amazing results with our patients undergoing minor Autohemotherapy (mAHT) treatment.  

In fact, one of our patients with Stage III lung cancer who refused chemotherapy and other conventional treatments, and who was given a very poor prognosis at the time of diagnosis, has been called a ‘medical miracle’ by the doctor who gave him the bad news in February 2016.  This patient is being treated by us with, amongst other protocols, mAHT infused with Ozone.  His scans two weeks ago showed impressive healing - the results of our team-work with him.  Not only has the cancer growth been stopped, but his lung function is so good, the intern at the hospital he went to told him to ‘carry on doing whatever it is you are doing’.

So he is coming back next week for continued treatment with us.

What is Autohemotherapy?

Autohemotherapy is the immediate intramuscular, or subcutaneous reinjection of freshly drawn autologous blood.  Autologous blood means we use the patients own blood as opposed to allogenic blood - that which is received from a donor (as used in blood transfusions).

An effective way to administer mAHT is with the addition of Ozone.  

The ozone fragments most virions without regard to preserving cellular elements.  Once injected intramuscularly, the treated blood carries these fragments of viral envelope and nuleic acids through the general circulation of the body and into the immune network.  If the immune network is relatively operational, it begins to manufacture appropriate antibodies which in turn, serve to counter the evolution of any infection.

The benefit of using this technique is that the antibodies which are manufactured, are individualized to the patient since they are derived from their own viral or bacterial stock.  mAHT can thus be conceptualized as a method of auto-vaccination, providing a high degree of antibody specificity.

In patients who have been ill for a long time, the first line of defence has most often been weakened.  Ozone mAHT specifically stimulates the body’s second line of defence which is so important in autoimmune diseases and long-term chronic illnesses.  It has the ability to reactivate the body’s natural killer cells.

How Is It Administered?

It is a quick procedure where a small amount of blood is taken from the patient’s vein.  It is then enriched in another syringe containing ozone.  This enriched blood is then injected into the patient’s gluteal muscle, or sometimes under the patient’s skin.

Minor Autohemotherapy has proven itself to be of great value as a non-specific immune-activator with benefits in any condition where increased immune activity is desired.

The treatment process lasts about 10 minutes and can be carried out three or more times per week, dependent on the patient’s condition.

During June 2016, we have Dr Mitch holding an mAHT Clinic at The Ozone Pod.  Make your appointments now by calling us on 011 465 4514