Wednesday 31 August 2016

Parasites are not just bugs - they're killers

I just read Dr Keith Scott-Mumby’s document on Parasites… and it scared me six ways from Sunday!

Having recently introduced Live Blood Analysis to our ozone practice, one of the things we’ve been concerned about is the number of parasitic infections we have seen in our patient’s bloodwork and so this article has prompted me to share some information about these nasties with you.

Where do they come from?

Parasites have killed more humans than all the wars in history” (Season 1, Episode 1, The Body Snatchers, National Geographic).  They are hostile to humans.  They are found in everything humans require to live – air, food and water.
Too often we don’t realise we have a parasitic infection.  Why would we?  We wash our hands, we bathe, we eat cooked food?  The Myth is that parasites only infect dirty people.  The Truth is, that doorknob you just opened, the salad just prepared at your favourite restaurant and washed under the municipal water tap, the fresh carrot straight out of the ground you munched at the market?  All could potentially be carrying parasites.  It takes just ONE egg to infect you.
Our pets too carry parasites which are transmitted through simple actions like petting them and then unthinkingly touching our mouths.
Our children play in sandpits, often eating the sand.  It’s a breeding ground for parasites.

What will a parasitic infection do to me?

Horrible, indescribable things!  In truth, if not detected and treated, parasites have been reported to kill over 100,000 people worldwide each year.  The World Health Organization reported that over 3.5 billion people worldwide are infected with some type of parasite.
Parasites can cause itching, diarrhoea, blindness, paralysis, insomnia, hyperactivity in children.  The list goes on. 

Here’s an example. 

One fish tapeworm (yes, tapeworms are parasites) can grow to 10m.  And they will lay eggs.  In your intestines.  Thousands of eggs.  And those tapeworms will grow until eventually you could have them hanging out of your anus.  Disgusting?  True!

The picture on the right shows a tapeworm removed during surgery.

The good news is …. There is help!

Recognising that your fatigue, sleeplessness, weight loss problems etc could be due to a parasitic infection is the first step to your good health.
Since there are over 3,000 different types of parasites (and each with its own life cycle and pattern) one needs to first understand that the parasite is a creature which depends on its host for survival.  It leeches vitamins and nutrients from our bodies to keep itself alive.  The parasite invades a bodily structure, inflicting damage to that structure (i.e. the liver) which oftentimes causes the degeneration of that organ, sadly sometimes irrevocably.
Treatment, therefore, while generalized and effective, should be streamlined specifically to the parasite in question.  For this, further laboratory testing would be required.

3 steps to being parasite-free
Get the DiagnosisDo a Live Blood Analysis test (book with Luisa on 0114654514). Eliminate the ParasitesEmbark on a course of anti-parasitic treatment which includes tinctures, ozone therapy and dietary changes.
3.       Repeat steps 1 and 2 with friends and family.
We are talking contagion here.  The yo-yo back-and-forth passing the love doesn’t work with parasites and humans.  Get everyone to get rid of them.

Remember : If your immune system is functioning at optimum levels, you can keep these parasites at bay. 

Take charge of your good health today!

Wednesday 17 August 2016

So you think compost is only for gardens?

Finally!  Fulvic Acid is getting the recognition it deserves!  And we have the best here at The Pod.  It’s in powder form and tastes delicious.  
So what is it then?

Actually, it's sort of like compost...

Fulvic Acid typically is extracted from humic deposits.  These are very rare and were created from ancient lush vegetation through microbial activity over hundreds and thousands of years.
It contains a great number of naturally occurring bioactive substances which include super-charged antioxidants.  Which is why, using it daily while undergoing ozone therapy, is of huge benefit.  Fulvic acid also includes free-radical scavengers, powerful detoxifying enzymes, hormones, amino acids, along with natural antibiotics, antivirals and fungicides.  It is considered one of nature’s best immune boosters.
Tests have shown that consumption of fulvic acid reduces the incidence of digestive disorders such as SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and inflammatory bowel disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).  It also helps with reducing constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and food sensitivities.
In a 2011 study published in the “Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease”, it was reported that Fulvic Acid’s combination of antioxidant and neutraceutical properties could potentially protect against diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Fulvic Acid can be used topically to treat wounds, itches and rashes.  It is also been used to treat athlete’s foot.
There are many other health benefits to taking Fulvic Acid.  As it is a natural chelator, it binds easily to nutrients, minerals and metals enabling our bodies to readily absorb the nutrients. 
Another fantastic benefit is that Fulvic Acid restores the body’s optimal pH levels by alkalizing the body and preventing an overly acidic environment.  Disease thrives in acidic environments, so using Fulvic Acid can prevent diseases and improve our defences against harmful bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi and other infectious organisms.
People taking Fulvic Acid have also reported a noticeable improvement in their energy levels, which is likely due to better detoxification as well as reduced inflammation and free radical damage.

While Fulvic acid is a naturally occurring organic product and completely non-toxic, we advise that you should always consult a qualified health care professional before taking any supplements to ensure that they don’t interfere with any other ongoing treatments or medications.